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Anti Collision Device Infrared 301 sensor system


SKU: 3246902 Categories: ,

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Anti Collision Device Infrared 301 sensor system is a safety device to avoid collision of two electric overhead traveling cranes on the same bay. The system works on the principle of retro-reflective infrared waves.

The system comprises an emitter cum receiver module and a reflector. The emitter continuously emits infrared waves in the direction of the reflector. The waves are reflected back to the receiver end of the system which activates an alarm signal and stops/reduces the speed of the crane. If two cranes are away from each other the reflected waves will not reach the sensor and the cranes operate normally.

The advanced digital anti-collision system incorporates a Microcontroller Based Circuit for taking digital inputs for easy range setting and gives an accurate cut-off range to the device. Two sets of anti-collision systems are required for collision avoidance between the two cranes

Anti Collision sensor Infrared 301 system with display range 0-4 meters – with 1 set of reflectors.


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